“Koreana Patent Firm” Takes the First Place in Representations in Patent Trials (2016.10)
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“Koreana Patent Firm” Takes the First Place in Representations in Patent Trials (October 4, 2016)
Koreana Patent Firm was recorded in the upper level places in the achievement announcement of the patent industry, and in particular, took the 1st place in the area of trials of the patent, etc.
According to the patent attorney industry achievement in the materials of the inspection of state administration submitted by the Korean Intellectual Property Office on September 29, 2016 to Mr. Jeung Park (The Minjoo party) of Trade, Industry & Energy Committee, Koreana Patent Firm took the 1st place in the number of cases in representing in the trials related to the industrial property rights (patent/utility model/design/trademark). Number of cases in representing in the trials for each firm (2006-2015, including all of patent/utility model/design/trademark)
* Source: Office of Jeung Park, Member of the National Assembly
In addition, Koreana Patent Firm took 5th place in the area of number of cases in representing in the filing of industrial property rights related applications.
Number of cases in representing in the filing
of applications for each firm (2006-2015, including all of patent/utility model/design/trademark)
* Source: Office of Jeung Park, Member of the National Assembly
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