


Year-end Ceremony for Koreana Patent Firm (2024.12)
作家 : 관리자
意见 : 640
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Year-end Ceremony for Koreana Patent Firm (December 31, 2024)


On December 31, 2024, Koreana Patent Firm held a year-end ceremony to wrap up the year 2024


This year’s ceremony was in the order of award ceremony for long-term and meritorious employees, and year-end remarks.


As a year-end greeting, representative managing partner Lee Yoon-min summarized the results of the year into three main points and addressed the direction to go forward together:


1. Internal Aspects - Insufficient Innovation and Realistic Efforts

- From a managerial perspective, through corrections and suggestions, proactive improvements were made and the system was stabilized, resulting in some improvements within the existing framework, but not many on a comprehensive level.

- In terms of quality, compared to external competitors, there has been a fierce effort to maintain and enhance trust with existing customers. This effort has been recognized in several instances, which he proudly mentioned.


2. External Influences - Intense Market Competition and Customer Demands

- The market is increasingly being evaluated on a cost basis, which is regrettable as it often overlooks the efforts we have made to maximize customer satisfaction on a qualitative level. However, there is a greater realization of the need to meet customer expectations from their perspective while also improving efficiency, and we must strive more in this direction.


3. External Expansion - Lack of Market Expansion

- As a result of the factors mentioned in point 2, the need for market expansion has become more urgent. Despite significant efforts to expand the market this year, the regrettable outcome was mainly maintaining existing customers.


He outlined the direction we should take in two main areas in the upcoming 2025:


1. Internally: The Need for Improvement (Innovation) and Change

- He stated that it is time to actively respond to new environments, including AI. He emphasized the importance of proactive responses to these changes and urged everyone to face these changes fearlessly and actively.


2. Externally: The Need for More Strategic Market Development

- He pointed out the necessity of having specific goals and strategies for both maintaining existing markets and expanding to new customers. For these things, he emphasized the need for a detailed analysis of customer needs and making proposals that meet these expectations to strengthen connections with new customers. He concluded his end-year speech by thanking the Koreana family for their hard work throughout the year.


Finally, Koreana members wished each other health and happiness to wrap up the year 2024.

