


Year-end Ceremony for Koreana Patent Firm (2023.12)
作家 : 관리자
意见 : 3883
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Year-end Ceremony for Koreana Patent Firm (December 29, 2023)


On December 29, Koreana Patent Firm held a year-end ceremony to wrap up the year 2023.


It was a year of many changes as COVID-19 was declared an endemic.


This year’s ceremony was in the order of year-end remarks, award ceremony for long-term and meritorious employees, introduction of another new representative managing partner, and senior attorneys, and the inaugural speech of the new representative.


As a year-end greeting, current representative managing partner Lee Yoon-min shared his thoughts on Koreana’s activities of the past year.

First, Koreana has started to visit its clients as COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, and plans for more active marketing for potential clients next year.  To that end, Mr. Lee emphasized the need for everyone to pour in efforts.

Second, the firm handled more cases this year than in 2022, and will continue to create a more effective working environment next year.

Third, to celebrate the firm’s 50th anniversary, all employees went to Japan for training, which had been postponed due to COVID-19.  He showed his will to plan the training again next year, noting that the training helped to smooth out inter-department communication.  Ending his remarks, he thanked the members of the firm for their hard work throughout the year.


After a ceremony to award plaques for employees who have worked for over 10 to 20 years, there was a session to introduce the newly added representative managing partner, and senior attorneys.  Then, the new co-representative managing partner delivered his inaugural speech.


The new co-representative managing partner Hong Sung-Jin began his speech by expressing the heavy responsibility he feels in taking the role of managing partner.  He then showed his determination to minimize the loss of organizational strength due to irrationalities by handling all matters at Koreana Patent Firm with rationale, following the rules and principles.  In addition, he emphasized that concerted efforts as an organization is more effective in overcoming crises compared to the efforts of one talented individual.

Lastly, he thanked all the employees and wished everyone a happy new year.


Finally, Koreana members wished each other health and happiness to wrap up the year 2023.

