Closing Ceremony in Koreana Patent & Law Firm (2022.12)
作家 : 관리자
意见 : 6017
附件 :
Closing Ceremony in Koreana Patent & Law Firm (December
29, 2022) On December 29th, Koreana Patent
Law Firm held a ceremony to wrap up the year 2022. This year, due to the
circumstances of Corona virus 19, representative partner Lee Yoon-min delivered
his speech through broadcasting in a non-face-to-face way. As a year-end greeting, Mr.
Lee looked back at the past 3 years in relation to COVID-19. He noted that it was regrettable that the
resolutions and plans made at the end of the previous year were not fulfilled
due to the actual circumstances inside and outside the firm, but he gave an encouragement
to hang on. He also said that he will
focus on two things in the new year. First, the firm will be
trying to do more active marketing for potential clients as well as existing
clients, and to that end, he asked for cooperation from related departments. Second, he asked for
cooperation so that members can actively accept cooperation between departments
and work improvement to improve the company's competitiveness. Then, he set forth what
Koreana Patent & Law Firm should do, as follows. “Our clients are all of
you who create clients’ satisfaction in the name of Koreana, and helping each
and every member of the Koreana family realize the dream of client satisfaction
is the value for clients that Koreana creates.” Lastly, he finished the
2022 closing ceremony with a thank you to the Koreana members who worked hard
this year, wishing a happy new year. |
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개인정보의 보유기간 | 위 목적 달성 시 또는 고객의 동의 철회 시 까지 |
수탁업체 명 | 아이네트호스팅 |
위탁업무의 내용 | 웹사이트 호스팅 및 유지관리 |
구분 | 개인정보보호 책임자 | 개인정보보호 실무 담당자 |
직책 | 대표 변리사 | 전산실 차장 |
이름 | 이윤민 | 이재광 |
연락처 | 519 - 6011 | 519 - 6661 |
담당부서 | 직책 | 이름 | 연락처 | 근무시간 |
전산실 | 차장 | 이재광 | 519- 6661 | 9:00 ~ 18:00 |
설치대수 | 설치위치 | 촬영범위 | 촬영시간 |
8대 | KP빌딩 2층, 6~12층 출입구 | 각층 출입구 | 00 : 00 ~24 : 00 |
담당부서 | 이름 | 연락처 |
전산실 | 이재광 | 519 - 6661 |